We succeed when your ERP fails!

We succeed when your ERP fails!

In a recent phone conversation, discussing our many methods of electronic replenishment signal generation, we were asked “Why doesn’t my ERP do this?”

The answer is fairly simple.  It is all about the money.   

Many years ago, the major ERP vendors determined that tailoring their solutions to the exact needs of the customers was not as profitable as providing a close fit. Perfectly reasonable from their point of view. Far more money in their pockets with far fewer support issues. 

Good for them – bad for you.

This is the reason that Blackhawk has been around for so many years and continues to grow.  We provide the tools needed to make your ERP a part of your manufacturing success and not just another part of the problem.


Do you have areas in your plant where your ERP is failing to do the job that is needed?  Just ask your departments to detail where they use spreadsheets to make their lives easier.

If Blackhawk can be of service in making your ERP serve your needs rather then you working to cover its short falls, please give us a call.

All I want….

All I want….

As a manufacturing software solutions provider, the phrase that we like to hear most from plant management is the phrase “All I want…”This tells us two very important things: First, there is a problem that needs to be fixed. Second, that this specific problem has a solution that has already been identified.This then becomes a joint mission between Blackhawk and plant management to get from where they are now to where they want to go.As a person in plant management, this phrase may be key in your effort to improving your plant’s operation. When you are in the meeting where there seems to be more confusion then progress ask those who are closest to the fire “What do you want?” And then listen for the phrase “All I want is….”Blackhawk is the solution that will get you there!