Maximizing output velocity, while delivering the highest quality product at the lowest possible cost is the challenge facing today’s manufacturers. Accomplishing this task without a reasonable amount of automation is difficult at best. Blackhawk Systems has been providing successful manufacturing execution solutions for the repetitive manufacturing world for over 20 years. Five plant’s recognized in Industry Week’s “Top 10 Manufacturing Plants” have stated that Blackhawk were a portion of their success.
Shopfloor 4.0 Production App
Blackhawk provides numerous methods to both record and report shop floor production, while providing the needed real-time visibility. We enforce best business practices and customer requirements needed on the shop floor.
The MES Production Client is our part and container labeling workhorse. Through highly configurable, user-friendly touch screens, we provide the capability to print on-demand customer container labels. We also provide the ability to produce part identification labels where needed. These part labels can be used to scan parts into a container, and when the standard pack is reached, the required container label is automatically printed.
In addition to the Production Client label printing abilities, we also record scrap parts, non-conforming parts (rejects), and downtime.
Primary features
- Good Production Reporting
- Scrap Production
- Reject Production
- Touch Screen / Scanning / PLC Based
- Business Rules enforced
Primary functions
- Good Production Reporting
- Enforces operational integrity
- Recorded by scanning an already labeled part
- Recorded by touching the screen and printing either a part ID label or a container label
- Cannot print a part label without the part existing on the MRP/ERP system
- Scrap Production
- Recorded by touching the screen and printing, or not printing, a scrap label
- Multiple defects per location allowed
- Multiple location with part picture (zones) capable
- Disallows component scrap of parts not found in the BOM
- In pack-out, where parts are being scanned to a container, a labeled scrap part, when scanned, will notify the operator that the part is scrap and cannot be packed
- In an assembly where parts are being scanned to enforce quality and lot tracking, a labeled scrap part, when scanned, will notify the operator that the part is scrap and cannot be used
- Does not allow containers with scrap parts or non-conforming parts to be shipped
- Reject Production
- Recorded by touching the screen and printing, or not printing, a reject label
- Multiple defects per location per part
- Rejected parts are automatically moved to Quality Hold and are unavailable to MRP/ERP
- Quick Finesse – quick part fix record keeping
- In pack-out, where parts are being scanned to a container, a labeled reject part, when scanned, will notify the operator that the part is reject and cannot be packed
- In an assembly, where parts are being scanned to enforce quality and lot tracking, a labeled reject part, when scanned, will notify the operator that the part is reject and cannot be used

Shopfloor 4.0 Machine Interface App
The Shopfloor 4.0 Production Machine services carry the brunt of the PLC workload for many of our plants. By using OPC services, we communicate with the plant’s machines (presses, etc.) for cycle counts, up-time heart beats, part identification, and any other plant requirements.
Primary features
- Full bi-directional communication through the use of PLC suppliers OPC server software
- Real-time recording and alerts for downtime
- Enforcement of operational integrity – previous operation completed successfully
- Full process environmental recording
Primary functions
- Integration into preventative maintenance business solutions
- ERP/MRP update – Uploads production into ERP/MRP business

Shopfloor 4.0 Shipping App
Blackhawk’s Shopfloor Shipping App is scan-centric where every container is scanned before being loaded onto the trailer. This process error proofs the conformance of the product; first making sure it is not on quality hold, then assuring conformance of the container label, and finally making sure the container being loaded is on the customer order – includes AIAG, GM, Ford, & Chrysler – additional shipping partners are quoted.
Primary features
- Shipping personnel scan their badge to log-in
- Scheduler downloads, defines, and/or edits shipping requirements based on EDI/DON/RAN/Kanban/862, etc.
- Load sheets are available to be printed
- Loads are scanned into the trailer
- Simultaneous loading of multiple customer / multiple trailers is supported
- Enforces FIFO of Finished goods shipping
- Enforces scanned containers to comply with shipping schedule
- Allows supervisor to override shipping with badge scan
- Automatic printing of container labels based on changes to dock code etc. from time of the original label print
- Standard shipping client uses the ship-to code to identify warehouse to warehouse transfers as well as outside processing vendors
- Can print replacement labels that are non-conforming (either unreadable or un-scannable)
Primary functions
- ERP/MRP update – Uploads scanned shipment into ERP/MRP business solution