We are proud to introduce our newest product, the Blackhawk OEE app, developed for a Magna customer who felt that if they were going to spend a lot of money, they should get exactly what they want.
A simple, real-time display of production OEE defined by the plant’s needs. Where every bit of required data is automatically taken from where it exists within the plant. The fact that the data is captured by PLCs, found on the ERP or MES solution, or the time and attendance badge of the line worker doesn’t matter.
The goal is to enable everyone in the plant to quickly and easily identify issues that inhibit their success, whether it is the line worker, the supervisor, or plant management. A single glance should identify where the issues are. A single text should establish the priority and if an expedited action should take place.
There is no reason that plants with multiple business solutions cannot see all of the information they need in one place. That is what Blackhawk’s OEE app provides and that is why it is such an invaluable piece of automation.